

Tenchu by Acquire


Tenchu (天誅) is the title of the popular stealth game series originally developed by Acquire wherein the player assumes the role of a ninja. The title in Japanese literally translates in English as: Divine Retribution, with 天 (ten), meaning heaven and 誅 (chu), meaning death penalty (it is notable that another translation of this phrase, Wrath of Heaven is the title of the first PlayStation 2 entry in the series.

Tenchu is known for its stealth gameplay and the eerie settings of feudal Japan. It was one of the first ninja games to incorporate stealth, a very crucial aspect of Ninjutsu. However, aside from featuring traditional martial arts in battles, the game incorporates elements of fantasy and Japanese mythology.

The game also used motion-capture where actor/martial artist Sho Kosugi and his son, Kane, were hired as motion-capture actors for the game's combat moves.


The series takes place in 16th-century feudal Japan. The original story (Stealth Assassins) revolves around two ninja, Rikimaru and Ayame, who have been both members of the Azuma ninja clan since childhood. The two ninja serve the heroic Lord Gohda and work for him as his secret spies to root out corruption and gather intelligence in his province. However, the evil demonic sorcerer Lord Mei-Oh seeks to destroy Lord Gohda, and using his demon warrior Onikage, wreaks havoc throughout Lord Gohda's province. Although Mei-Oh was killed in the first game, Onikage appeared in all subsequent games (except Fatal Shadows) as the archenemy of the two ninja, especially Rikimaru. Another major character who shows up frequently is Princess Kiku, Lord Gohda's daughter who is often the damsel in distress.

The storyline has been continuously expanded with the release of newer Tenchu games.

  • Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins is the prequel to Stealth Assassins which depicts Rikimaru and Ayame as teenagers first being taught the ways of the ninja by their master Shiunsai, this game also indicate their fellow ninja and former master of the Azuma clan Tatsumaru.

  • Tenchu: Stealth Assassins The continuation of Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins. This story takes place after Tenchu 2, which is set 7 years earlier.

  • Tenchu: Fatal Shadows is a sidestory of sorts, focusing on Ayame and a new character called Rin. Occurs between Stealth Assassins and Wrath of Heaven.

  • Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (Tenchu: Return from Darkness) is the direct continuation of Stealth Assassins.

  • Tenchu: Shadow Assassins, the first game in the series on Wii console and will be ported for the PSP. The game takes place after Wrath of Heaven.

Unrelated to main storyline are:

  • Dimensional Ninja Action Movie: Tenchu is the original release, Japan only.

  • Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen is the update of Stealth Assassins, Japan only.

  • Tenchu: Time of the Assassins is the PlayStation Portable shinobi game.

  • Tenchu: Dark Secret is the Nintendo DS game.

  • Tenchu: Shadow Assault is an Xbox Live arcade game.

  • Tenchu Z is the Xbox 360 game. It features a new create-a-ninja mode and online cooperative play. It follows a character the player creates under Rikimaru's tutelage.


The game perspective is third-person. There are numerous items to help the ninja on his/her mission, but unlockable items can be acquired if the player gets a "Grand Master" rating at the end of the level by being as stealthy as possible. Items and controls vary from game to game, but the gameplay is essentially the same throughout with the exception of Tenchu: Shadow Assassins. Stealth is a very important element in the game, where players have to duck, crouch, and hide behind walls to avoid detection. Enemies can be killed with one manoeuvre by using Stealth Kills, and a player can avoid detection by using the Ki meter. The larger the number, the closer the player's position to an enemy. If a player is spotted, the Ki meter will turn red, the enemy will alert everyone in the area, and the player is forced to fight hand-to-hand or hide somewhere until the enemies give up their search and resume their patrol routes (similar to Metal Gear Solid's "Soliton Radar").


Rikimaru (力丸), the current head of the Azuma Ninja clan, under the service of Lord Gohda. He wields the Izayoi sword, which is passed from generation to generation of successive leaders of the Azuma clan. His master and predecessor as head of the clan was Shiunsai, who was killed by another member of the clan, Tatsumaru. Dedicated, honourable, and withdrawn, Rikimaru would sacrifice his own life without hesitation, something he does at the end of Stealth Assassins only to reappear in Wrath of Heaven/Return from Darkness. However, he is not to be underestimated and shows no mercy to his opponents, something he is constantly reminded of each time he thinks about the scar left over his eye by Tatsumaru. His ability to retain his composure and sense of destiny allows him to undertake missions others would consider suicidal. He lacks speed in combat when compared to Ayame, but has greater strength and a greater control over his temper than his female companion. His primary rival in the series is Onikage, whom he fights in almost every game and usually defeats, but keeps coming back due to his resurrection abilities and intense desire to defeat Rikimaru.

Rikimaru's personality was different before the events of Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins. He believed that he was already good enough to defeat any opponent. His misplaced self-confidence would eventually earn him many painful experiences once he finally left his village, but those experiences would also be the source of great mental and spiritual growth.

The Azuma ninja clan is reduced into being made up of only two ninja left: Rikimaru and Ayame.

Ayame is a clouded matter. She has shown feelings for Tatsumaru, and treats Rikimaru only as a companion. Even though both of them show loyalty and respect towards each other, not much compassion is felt between them. This may be an illustration of the harsh life they take on together, or simply Ayame's own tough attitude, which denies us the ability to say if she even thinks of Rikimaru as a friend. Not much is told about their relationship (aside from being partners and being raised by Master Shiunsai). Romantic relationships between the two are unknown and unlikely to exist.

Rikimaru had bonds with two other Ninja: Shiunsai and Tatsumaru. Both were very important to him, and both were lost. Tatsumaru was Rikimaru's role model and older brother. His connection to Tatsumaru was more than what was allowed in the way of the Ninja. And Shiunsai was a father figure to him but Rikimaru showed only his student connection to Shiunsai. Suffering from a memory loss, Tatsumaru kills Shiunsai. Upon the recovery of his memory, he kills himself. This event marked the death of Rikimaru's former personality.

Upon his master's death, Rikimaru takes the role of leader of the Azuma Ninja Clan at the age of 18. His clan is now very small and consists only of Ayame and him. Rikimaru wields the ancient sword Izayoi, which is passed on through the generations from leader to leader. Rikimaru took possession of the sword during the war with the Burning Dawn. Ayame defeated Tatsumaru, who had previously wielded Izayoi, and gave it to Rikimaru, effectively turning over leadership of the clan to him. Izayoi does have certain magical properties, and is also extremely strong and resilient to injury. The only time it has ever been damaged was during Rikimaru's duel with Dr. Kimaira in Wrath of Heaven, and it was promptly repaired by the clan's blacksmith, Ressai.

The scar over his right eye will always remind him that not being focused, showing mercy or acting from a state of pure selflessness will always result in failure. When Tatsumaru killed Master Shiunsai, who was the leader of the Azuma at the time, Rikimaru let his feelings take over and pursued the murderer, his former companion. A fierce fight between the two took place, but eventually gaining the upper hand, Rikimaru hesitates. Tatsumaru takes that time to cut his right eye, leaving him scarred for life.The battle ends here as Kagami takes Tatsumaru with her in a rush. Tatsumaru used to be Rikimaru's role model, but by now, Rikimaru has surpassed him in his spiritual and physical abilities. The power concealed within the right eye will later be revealed as his Dohjutsu, the power that he alone has. It is a possible power that rivals that of Lord Mei-Oh and Tenrai (he was the only one able to survive the portal aside from Mei-Oh and the only one who can really defeat Tenrai).

Many years ago, Shiunsai received an order to assassinate a particular samurai. Together with several fellow ninja, he infiltrated the home of the samurai and killed him. As he and the other ninja were preparing to leave, the dead samurai's wife and servant discovered the ninja. The others quickly dispatched the wife and servant, but as they moved to silence the baby clutched in the dead wife's arms, Shiunsai stopped them from killing the baby boy. Taking pity on the boy, Shiunsai brought the baby home with him and raised it as if it were his own flesh and blood. Shiunsai was already raising Tatsukichi (Tatsumaru's childhood name) to become a ninja, and he decided that the new baby would follow the same path. After the baby had grown into a young boy and started his training as a ninja, it became apparent that he was something of a weakling. Shiunsai therefore gave him the name Chikara, which means strength. Whether or not it was this name that drove him to become stronger, or whether it was from sparring with Tatsukichi every day, no one can say. What is known is that Chikara grew to be the strongest boy in the village. He also developed into an outstanding swordsman. If he had a shortcoming, it was that he didn't learn new techniques as fast as the other students. Slow learner or not, Chikara eventually earned a new name, Rikimaru, and a new title: Ninja.

In Tenchu Z, Rikimaru decides to train the next generation of Azuma Ninja and sends his newest ninja (The player's character and a companion of his choosing) to complete missions assigned to help the town of Gohda. He trained two young ninjas before the events of the game, a male and female. Whatever the sex of the character the player chooses, the other new ninja will still die during the course of events.

Ayame (彩女) was Master Shiunsai's student and the secondary protagonist. During the Warring States Period, it is said that Shiunsai travelled to Kyoto only to find it in ruins after warring armies destroyed in bids for ownership. He came across a shocked young girl watching corpses float down a river, unable to recall anything except her own name and age. Shiunsai found himself unable to leave her, but uncertain as to how he could help her. Eventually, he decided to take her with him and train her to become a kunoichi (female ninja). Shiunsai raised the girl, Omon, as a ninja alongside Tatsukichi (Tatsumaru). Though blessed with raw talent, Omon possessed a bad attitude; while she was curious and willing to learn new techniques, she was never patient enough to fully master one. Of his three students, Shiunsai found that she was the most talented in terms of natural abilities. Despite her late start, Omon was initiated into the circle of ninja when she was fourteen, around the same time as Rikimaru, and was given the name Ayame. She became known for her deadly skill with blades as well as her caustic tongue and speed. Ayame respects fellow ninja Rikimaru well, fighting alongside him and willing to sacrifice herself for his sake if necessary. She develops a strong relationship with Kiku, the daughter of Lord Gohda. After the death of Kiku's mother Lady Kei, Ayame became sort of an older sister for Kiku. As a symbol of her relationship, Ayame and Kiku always wear their sister bells close to their hearts. Ayame will protect Kiku at any cost from any harm. The latest installment Tenchu: Shadow Assassins, features Ayame with her hair put up differently, still has a pony tail.

Other main characters

  • Tatsumaru (Birth of the Stealth Assassins, Wrath of Heaven/Return From Darkness, Time of the Assassins)

A ninja raised by Master Shiunsai, he was a prominent member in the Azuma clan. During a great fight with Lady Kagami, the two seemingly drowned in the sea. Upon waking up, Tatsumaru lost his memory of his former life and pledged alliance to Lady Kagami and the Burning Dawn. He then joined the attack on the ninja village, in which he brutally killed his former Master Shiunsai, and recovered his memory. Rikimaru, upon seeing his master's body, attacked Tatsumaru, but hesitated to kill his former friend. Tatsumaru took this opportunity to scar Rikimaru's eye and flee with Lady Kagami. Tatsumaru then followed Lady Kagami on her final assault on Gohda's castle. Despite knowing his crimes were unforgivable, he stayed with Lady Kagami because he loved her. His final battle with Ayame resulted in his death, when he committed suicide by impaling himself his own blade, the Izayoi. His body was last seen as Lady Kagami died clutching his corpse. Eight years after his first death Tatsumaru was resurrected by Tenrai to serve as one of the evil sorcerer's minions. He would eventually break out of Tenrai's mind control, sacrificing himself in order to help his former allies Rikimaru and Ayame stop Tenrai. Tatsumaru wields his sword with great skill and efficiency, but prefers to use methods of unarmed combat, like lighting-fast punches and intricate, graceful kick combos.

  • Tesshu Fujioka (Wrath of Heaven/Return from Darkness, Time of the Assassins and a cameo role in Fatal Shadows)

A respectable doctor by day, and an assassin by night. He is not a trained ninja and not under the employ of Lord Gohda, unlike Rikimaru and Ayame. He favors unarmed attacks, but in a contrast to Tatsumaru, Tesshu's attacks resemble brutal Karate and/or Jujutsu techniques, utilizing crippling strikes, headbutts, and vicious bone-breaking holds. He also wields acupuncture needles in many of his stealth kills. Another weapon he utilizes is his sheer brute strength, as well as his natural physical resiliency, noted both in his in-game ending (He is stabbed numerous times, yet still manages to kill his attackers and walk out of an exploding town alive), and the fact that out of the three main characters in Wrath of Heaven, he can take the most physical damage. Tesshu works as a mercenary for an underground vigilante organization known as Muzen that murders only if it serves justice. As such, Tesshu has an iron-clad sense of justice, counteracted by his almost cold personality. He is shown to be able to control his temper, releasing his fiery rage as a special attack, increasing his power for a limited time. Tesshu also has a brief moment of rivalry with Rikimaru, when they fight each other to a draw after Rikimaru "steals" Tesshu's kill (Nasu). In Tenchu: Fatal Shadows, Tesshu makes a brief cameo in a cutscene after Rin defeats Futaba and Hitoha. He is the only playable character in the series to have a known full-name.

  • Rin (Fatal Shadows, Time of the Assassins) is voiced in English by Lina Zee and Amy

Provenzano and in Japanese by Satsuki Yukino.
Rin is a young kunoichi who has trained in the arts of assassination and unarmed combat since childhood. She was born and raised in a small ninja village called "Hagakure" that lies on the border of Gohda's Relm and the kingdom of the evil sorcerer Lord Mei-oh. After her village was destroyed, Rin has sought to avenge the deaths of her loved ones, working as a hired assassin for “Lady Razor” Ogin. Upon encountering Ayame, the two briefly battle, although Rin soon realises that the other kunoichi is not responsible for the destruction of her village. The pair then form an alliance so that they may better achieve their personal agendas. Rin wields a sword called Natsume, but prefers to fight in unarmed combat, like Tesshu and Tatsumaru. She seeks to avenge her slain kin.

