
Headless Horseman

Headless Horseman by Anthony C. Ferrante

Seven teens on the way to a party discover that they're in danger of losing their heads to a vengeful ghost that won't stop killing until he's gathered enough gourds to make a complete collection in this low-budget shocker featuring Night Court's Richard Moll. Local legend around the "lost" town of Wormwood states that on All Hallow's Eve one-hundred years ago, a local lunatic tortured the town youngsters by submerging them in boiling oil. When the local townspeople discovered what was happening to their children, they ripped the man from his home and chopped off his head. Now, every seven years, the killer returns to claim another seven heads. Tonight is the night he is set to return to Wormwood, and as the unsuspecting teens make their way through the wilderness they wander right into town square. It's a foreboding place where bones line Main Street and the locals cower in fear of the supernatural wrath to come. Will these seven teens be able to keep their heads until the dawn sends this headless demon back to hell, or is it time for the savage specter's reign to finally come to an end?

Blues 的评语:
老实说,一开始我还有一点期待这部戏的,不过老实说看了约二十分钟后,我开始觉得这部戏很会拖,因为它大约三十分钟后才开始出现真正“有料”的部分。演员方面,我认为没什么好说的,没有说比较让人耳目一新,或者说是眼前一亮的感觉。而有一个部分,比较像是插景的是那个女孩换衣服的部分。我姐说在这么紧张的气氛下谁还有心情看她换衣,而我只觉得那个部分是为了要应景的,也就是应接下去那女孩要做的事。最最最不满意又令人失望的地方是-血。那血太假了!它的颜色太深,让我一度怀疑那到底是不是油漆!至于后来的部分,也就是那男子在与劈头士对抗时,那本来很厉害的劈头士在有了不完整的头后突然变得好像不厉害了,他之前本来一刀都可以砍去那个victim的头,到过后有了头,有了眼睛后反而还要用斧头还是其他普通的武器来与那男子对抗。这好像是故意要剥削他的“威力”,让他早点死了早点戏完结的样子或是要给人个Happy Ending!总的来说,这戏对我而言没有紧张感、恐怖感。我认为还行罢了。

我会给它两粒半的星级吧!它将获得Medal 2.

