
100 Feet

100 Feet by Eric Red

The film begins with Marnie Watson (Famke Jannsen) being driven home in a police car. She stands outside for a few seconds before going in to the house. Shanks (Bobby Cannavale), the cop escorting her and the former partner of her husband who was a also cop, tells her not to get used to fresh air. He lets her in to the hall, and Shanks tears off the police crime scene tape that had been left there. After they get inside, someone comes to fit her ankle bracelet, and they tell her she cannot move more than 100 feet from the detector in the hallway. Shanks treats Marnie quite badly, telling her she will remain in the house until her sentence is up. He tells her to clean up some blood from the wall, and that she will have lots of time to think about what she did. Marnie argues with him, telling him that if the police had taken her crime reports seriously, her husband would still be alive today.

Later that day, Marnie takes all of her husband's pictures, and belongings, and puts them in her basement, where the detector goes off. She then paints over the blood in the wall. She calls the power company about having her power restored, and they tell her they cannot make it until Monday, so she has to light some candles. Later that night, she is in bed and hears footsteps, but it turns out to be a cat.

She continues to hear the footsteps and goes downstairs where she finds a homeless man and threatens to stab him if he does not leave. The next day, a delivery boy Joey (Ed Westwick) arrives and brings her shopping over. He tells her he lives in the same street and compliments her house. She tells him she needs him to come by regularly, and he says he will do it for the tips. Marnie watches him leave.

Later that night, she is going upstairs, when the ghost of her husband, Mike (Michael Pare) pushes her down the stairs. As she crawls to the front door, she sets the detector off. She stands up, and Mike lunges at her. Shanks arrives a short time later, and finds her unconscious at the front door. She tells him she fell down the stairs. He asks her if someone is beating her, but she tells him she would not cover for anyone. He then chastises her for not cleaning up the blood stain, which has reappeared on the wall.

The next day, she cleans it up again, before heading upstairs with a baseball bat. She gets scared when the power company switch the power back on. She goes to make herself a cup of coffee, when the cupboard starts to rattle, and plates fly across the room at her. She shouts at Mike that he had it coming, because he beat her for years. Her sister arrives to buy out her share of her mother's house and the pair argue.

Joey comes over the next day and tells her he knows what happened in her house. She then reads a book on exorcising spirits, and finds out that it is necessary to remove the dead person's belongings from the house. She collects Mike's things from the basement, and he attacks her. She grabs his case, but Shanks appears and tells her he heard screaming. He decides that Joey is hitting her. He believes that she is covering for Mike's killer and tells her he will protect her. She tells him he can't protect her. He tells her he read Mike's files and saw what he did to her. He apologises for not doing anything at the time.

After Shanks leaves, she drops her ring down the sink and reaches in to collect it. Mike grabs her hand and pulls it in to the drain, but she manages to get her hand out. After some digging around, she finds a crawlspace under her bedroom floor, that is filled with money. She invites a priest over to her house and donates the money to the church. She asks him to bless her house, and he tells her that he can't do it. After he leaves, Mike seals up the house and throws furniture at Marnie.

She escapes and phones Joey. He tells her he will come over, but she says no. He arrives at her house and begins to shout to let him in. She throws the keys down, and he enters. They have sex, while Mike watches them on the ceiling, Marnie saw him as Mike disappears, she resumes. Mike appears and tortures Joey, breaking his bones and breaks his head off resulting in his death. Marnie hides his corpse in the crawlspace, as Shanks arrives, demanding to to search the house.

She tells him to leave, as Joey's corpse falls into the hallway. He arrests her for his murder just as Mike sends her flying across the room. Shanks notices this, and Mike attacks him too. He tells Mike to stay away from Marnie, but Mike sets the house on fire and throws them both into the basement. Marnie takes off her ring and throws it at her ex-husband's ghost, who catches it and then goes through a transformation, disintegrating in a ball of fire. She gets out, and Shanks tells her to escape. We see her on a bus, while a passenger reads a USA Today paper whose headline proclaims she died in the fire saving Shanks' life.
(Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_Feet_(film) )

Blues 的评语:

我会给这部戏两粒半的星级吧!它将获得Medal 2。

