
Coming Soon(Bproh Graem Naa Win Yaan Aa Kaat)

Coming Soon(Bproh Graem Naa Win Yaan Aa Kaat) by Sopon Sakdapisit


What kind of scenes in a horror film scares you the most? When a ghost appears totally unexpectedly? When the main character does not see the ghost sneaking up behind him? When at the very end you find out that the main character was actually a ghost all along? But none of this compares to the feeling of arriving home alone and suddenly being stuck by a feeling of deja vu that you are reenacting the very same scenes in the horror movie you just saw!

This movie will scare you from the second you step inside the movie theatre. It will get you wondering if Something or Someone might be waiting for you to let your guard down. The horror movie that you just saw is about to happen to you in real life! Coming Soon.

Blues 的评论:
这是一部我看过最最最恐怖的泰国鬼戏,看得我有些心有余悸(笑)!不过,我认为会有些吓人的主要原因是当你是在深夜的时候看,而四周又静悄悄的。这时候,那鬼又突然出现,或出其不意地挂在那男主角身上,再加上你自身也看得投入,好像你自己就在那戏里,所以你就会觉得恐惧。不过,毕竟戏仍旧是戏,所以只要抱着旁观者的心态去看,就不会觉得那么害怕了。嗯。。。我认为这戏没什么好说的,要自己去看,才能真正体会到什么是coming soon!

我认为我会给这部戏五粒星吧,因为它的恐怖指数真的超破表的!它将获得Medal 7!

