
Facing The Giants

Facing The Giants by Alex Kendrick
这是一部Christian drama film,也是惟一一部(至今)让我是笑着看完的(不是因为搞笑而笑,而是那种发自内心的笑、那种自然而然的笑)。大力推荐!(review恐怖戏太久、太多了,我感觉我也变得有些恐怖、变态了,所以适时review一下别的类型的戏吧!让我喘一喘吧!!!)


Facing the Giants is the story of Grant Taylor, a high school football coach with a mediocre record. After several poor seasons, the Shiloh Eagles are considering replacing him as head coach. This is not the only problem Taylor is facing; his car is breaking down, the players' fathers are trying to get him fired, and he discovers that he is the reason that his wife Brooke cannot become pregnant.

In order to find a solution to these problems, he prays to God for help. He creates a new coaching philosophy and decides to praise God after each game, no matter what the result. At the same time he guides and urges each one of his players to give the maximum effort, and motivates them to believe they can win under God´s guidance. From that point on, he loses only one game but eventually goes on to win the state championship. His prayers for children are also answered when he and his wife have two children of their own.

Blues 的评语:
This is the best Christian drama film that I have ever seen.这是我有史以来看过最好的戏(今天不谈论演技,老实说,演员们的演技也没什么好批评的。。。。又说了)。这部戏说到了神迹的发生、他们如何依靠主“打赢了胜战”和他们如何凡是祈求神、感谢神。这部戏说它有点像是激励,但又不是,其实,它更甚于表达凡事都要靠主,有主,凡事都能,就像这部戏里最后所显示的-Nothing is impossible with God.我也不知怎么了,就这么被这部戏吸引着,甚至从头不知觉地微笑到尾。而我,看了一边似乎还不够,一看完,竟然马上有那种再看一遍的冲动,甚至还有一种愉悦感在我的心里滋生。我很不想说这一句,但我还是要说,这种感觉很奇妙,完全out of my expectation,我完全没想到这部戏会带给我这么大的影响力!至于它的剧情,我认为Perfect,而且充满新鲜感!好了,话不多说了,各位自己看,就会发现不同的感觉和感想的,而我,说再多也是没有办法让你们体会到这种感受的。

不用想了,五粒星。它将获得本部落格最高荣誉牌-Medal 7!

