
Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls by Jonathan Liebesman


The story of the town Darkness Falls, (which is based on the town of Fall River, Massachusetts) begins with the legend of a widow, Matilda Dixon, who was adored by all the town's children. Matilda would tell them stories, and give them gifts and gold coins when they lost a tooth, thus earning her the name "Tooth Fairy."

After a fire in her home left her horribly disfigured with an extreme sensitivity to light, she wore a porcelain mask, and only went out at night.

One day, when two boys go missing, the townspeople quickly blame Matilda and hang her, ripping off her porcelain mask and exposing her face to the light. Out of sadness and betrayal, Matilda promises her vengeance. Soon afterward, the two missing boys return home unharmed. The town, realizing their mistake, bury Matilda's body along with their secret. The story of Matilda Dixon, the Tooth Fairy, is told to many generations after the murder, and it is believed that her spirit visits children on the night they lose their last baby tooth, where she seeks her vengeance if they see her.

The story begins when Kyle Walsh, an antisocial teenager, befriended only by his secret infatuation, Caitlin Greene, loses his last baby tooth. He soon realizes that the story of Matilda Dixon is not just a fable when he sees her in his room. Realizing that light is her weakness, he shines a flashlight into her face and hides in the bright lights of the bathroom. His mother, in trying to convince him there's nothing in his room, is soon killed after seeing the Tooth Fairy. The next morning, as the police arrive, Kyle is taken to a mental hospital after speculations that he himself killed his mother.

Twelve years later, Caitlin Greene calls a secluded Kyle to ask for his help with her younger brother, Michael, who refuses to sleep in the darkness. After a visit to the hospital to talk to Michael - with his bag of flashlights, his "peace of mind" - Kyle soon realizes that Michael suffers the same fate after an encounter with the Tooth Fairy. Michael, like Kyle, now has a gripping fear of the dark, and is thought to have gone insane. After denying any relation to his condition, Kyle walks away from Caitlin, scared of the truth.

United with his childhood neighbors, Kyle attempts to warn others of the Tooth Fairy and tells them to stay in the light. The ridicule that he faces leads to the death of many in the town of Darkness Falls. He soon gains allies as they realize the truth within his story. To add to the terror, a storm causes a disturbance in the power grid for the town, just as Kyle loses his bag of flashlights to the police when he is arrested and questioned about the sudden rise in the death toll. After convincing the police that his story is true, Kyle, Michael and Caitlin decide to lead the Tooth Fairy to the largest source of light in the town - the lighthouse. They are assisted by several medical personnel.

In an attempt to destroy the Tooth Fairy and the spirit of Matilda Dixon, Kyle truly faces the demon as he rips off her porcelain mask and, igniting her, sets free her tortured soul. This fate is tested when another young child loses his last baby tooth and awaits the Tooth Fairy, only to find, to the audience's knowledge, that his mother replaces the tooth with a gold coin.
(Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkness_Falls_(2003_film) )

Blues 的评论:
剧情方面,如果不从理智、子有虚无等角度来判断,它还算是一部很不错的片子的。首先,它一开始就很简洁明了地介绍了“Tooth Fairy”是谁和她的由来。再来,它很快就切入主题也是我蛮欣赏的一点,而且我认为它的剧情连接度很好、剧情感觉也是蛮紧凑的。不过,我最欣赏的一点是虽然这部戏很多部分是在黑夜里摄的,可是清晰度全令我非常满意。以前只要一看到戏里有拍摄黑夜或较暗的地方的镜头,我就会觉得很不耐烦,因为我常常看不清楚他们在做些什么,令我很些直接跳过那个片段(因为有时候一些戏是通过一些电视频道看得,所以跳不到),但是,这部戏却令我完全改观-原来也不是全部戏都是这么“黑暗”的。再来,较令我赞叹的是这部戏的演员竟是由美国电视新秀挑选出来的大梁。这着实令我有些惊叹,因为我没想到他们的演技竟然如此精湛(对一个新人来说,实在是很不错了)。甚至,就连导演和制片都是献出他们的处女作。我只能说,这部戏有点out of my expectation,因为我一开始看的时候,我完全不知道这部戏的演员、导演和制片等大多是新人,但没想到我过后上网去search的时候,才发现原来如此。新人们的演技已超过我预期的了,所以我认为这没什么好批评的了,只能赠他们一个字-赞!而制片和导演所put in 的effort,也可以从这部片里的很多角度看出。剧情的新鲜、新人们的演技、导演的努力和制片的苦心让他们在2003年1月24日以一千两百五十万美金勇夺周末的北美周末票房冠军。这也让我想要大力推荐,把它列为非看不可的戏。

还猜不到么?我将会给这部戏五粒星,because it deserves it!它将获得本部落格最高荣誉牌-Medal 7!

