
Human Centepede

Human Centepede by Tom Six



Dr. Heiter kidnaps a truck driver by the side of a road. Later, two US tourists, Lindsay and Jenny, arrive at Heiter's house as they search for help after getting a flat tyre. Heiter quickly drugs the women, and when they awake they find themselves beside the kidnapped trucker in a makeshift hospital ward in the doctor's basement. Heiter informs the trucker that he is not a match for the women and kills him. When the women wake up, the trucker has been replaced by a new captive, Japanese tourist Katsuro.

The doctor explains to his captives that he is a world-renowned expert at separating conjoined , but dreams of making new creatures that share a single digestive by joining separate individuals via their mouths and anuses. He explains that his previous experiment, a creature made of three Rottweilers,died. However, he explains how he will attach the three human subjects to each other to form what he refers to as a human centipede. The doctor then explains in great detail to his captives exactly how he will go about surgically connecting them. Lindsay attempts to escape, then tries to get Jenny out but is unsuccessful. Once the surgery is complete, the doctor tries to train the trio to perform tasks such as fetching newspapers. Katsuro, as the front part of the centipede, refuses to do as he is told, and the doctor beats him. When Katsuro defecates, Lindsay is forced to swallow his excrement and the doctor watches with great delight. However, Heiter eventually becomes irritated after being kept awake by the constant screaming of his victims and realizing that Jenny is dying from blood poisoning.

Two police detectives, Kranz and Voller, visit Heiter to investigate the disappearance of tourists in the area. After the detectives leave, Heiter informs his captives that Jenny will soon be replaced by two new parts. Katsuro stabs him with a scalpel and fails an attempt to rip out Heiter's jugular vein with his teeth, and the three surgically connected captives attempt to escape as Heiter crawls after them. Katsuro faces the doctor with a piece of broken glass in his hand, confessing that he deserved what Heiter did to him because he treated his family poorly, before fatally cutting his own throat with the glass. At this point, the police officers break into the house, and Heiter crawls away to hide in the room housing his swimming pool. Kranz is shocked to discover Heiter's victims, and soon finds Voller dead in the swimming pool near an armed Dr. Heiter, who then exchanges fatal gunfire with Kranz. Jenny and Lindsay hold hands as Jenny dies from her blood poisoning. Lindsay is left alone in the house, trapped between her deceased fellow captives. (Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Centipede_(First_Sequence) )

Blues 的评语:
这部戏与我殊来爱看的恐怖类型的戏扯不上关系(我个人这么认为),不过电影情节蛮吸引眼球的,只不过有点恶心。我认为男主角 Dieter Laser 把他的角色扮演得很好,就好比如在他把那三个victims当成狗来吩咐的时候,他演得好像他真的是变态佬(确切来说是神经病)这样。另外,有一幕是他逼她们把大便吞下去,那一幕他也演得很经典、逼真。至于其他的演员我认为没什么好说的,只是他们会演得比较辛苦。至于剩下的,自己看就知道了。

我想我会给这部戏四粒星吧!可以拿到我心目中的 Medal 5(如右上角所示)吧!

1 条评论:

  1. This movie is so er xin... However, the actor really act until so real...
