
Take Care,My Bus!

Take Care,My Bus! by Jang Geun Suk

Drag Me To Hell

Drag Me To Hell by Sam Raimi


In 1969 Pasadena, California, a young couple seek aid of the medium Shaun San Dena (Flor de Maria Chahua) as their son claims to see and hear monsters. San Dena aids the family with a seance, but they are attacked by an unseen force which pulls the boy into a fiery pit.

In 2009 Los Angeles, California, bank loan officer Christine Brown (Alison Lohman) hopes to be promoted to assistant manager over her co-worker Stu Rubin (Reggie Lee). Her boss, Jim Jacks (David Paymer), advises her to demonstrate that she can make tough decisions to get a promotion. Christine is visited by an elderly woman, Sylvia Ganush (Lorna Raver), who asks for an extension on her mortgage payment. Christine decides to deny Ganush an extension to prove herself to Mr. Jacks. Jacks compliments Christine on how she handled the situation.

In the bank parking lot, Christine is attacked in her car by Ganush. After a violent struggle, Ganush removes a button from Christine's coat and uses it to place a curse on Christine. Later, with her boyfriend Clay Dalton (Justin Long), they meet the fortune teller Rham Jas (Dileep Rao), who tells Christine that she is being haunted by a spirit. At her home, Christine is attacked by the spirit and has nightmares about Ganush. At work the next day, Christine has a projectile nosebleed that soaks a horrified Mr. Jacks in blood. Christine then tries to meet Ganush at her granddaughter's home and finds that Ganush died the previous night and a memorial service is being held.

Christine returns to Rham Jas, who explains that she is being haunted by a powerful demon called the Lamia that will torment her for three days before taking her to Hell. Rham Jas suggests a sacrifice to appease the demon. The next day, the Lamia returns and thrashes
Christine around her bedroom. Desperate to stop the attacks, Christine sacrifices her pet kitten. At a dinner party with Clay and his parents, Christine is still tormented by the Lamia, which frightens the Daltons enough for them to think Christine is not the right girl for their son Clay.

Christine returns to Rham Jas, for further help, who says that Shaun San Dena will risk her life to stop the demon for a fee of $10,000. Further supernatural attacks on Christine lead Clay to pay the fee. San Dena prepares a séance to trap the Lamia's spirit in a goat and kill it, vanquishing the spirit. San Dena allows the Lamia to inhabit her body. Rham Jas tries to persuade it not to steal Christine's soul, but it refuses and vows to never stop until Christine dies. Christine then places San Dena's hand on the goat, causing the spirit to enter its body. San Dena's assistant, Milos, attempts to kill the goat, but is instead bitten by the goat and in turn becomes possessed, attacking the members of the seance. San Dena banishes the Lamia from the séance, but dies in the process. Rham Jas seals the button from Christine's coat in an envelope and then tells her that the only way to get rid of the curse is to give the accursed item to someone as a gift, thereby passing the curse on to that person.

Christine and Clay drive home, but due to a sudden stop by Clay, she drops the envelope. After retrieving the envelope, Christine attempts to find a recipient of the curse. She decides to give the envelope to Stu, but changes her mind. With guidance from Rham Jas, Christine learns she can give it to Ganush. Christine drives to the cemetery where Ganush is buried and digs up her grave. In a torrential downpour, Christine jams the envelope in Ganush's mouth. The next day, Christine goes to Los Angeles Union Station to meet Clay, where they plan to spend a weekend in Santa Barbara. Clay, planning to propose reveals to Christine that he found the envelope containing the button from her coat in his car. Christine then realizes she mixed up her envelope with another that she gave to Clay. Horrified, Christine walks backward and falls onto the tracks as a train barrels towards her. Before the train hits her, a fiery hole in the ground opens from under the tracks. Clay watches in horror as hands reach out and pull Christine down into hell to burn for eternity.

Blues 的评论:
好吧!老实说,这是我看过最最最不恐怖的“恐怖”片。虽然说这部戏的剧情是蛮新鲜的,演员也演得不错,不过,这对于爱看恐怖戏的我来说,可真是大失所望。还有,我最最最不能理解的是,已开始那里,明明是Ganush自己跪下来求Christine,而她过后又把脸抹在Christine的裙上,那么如果换成我是Christine,我肯定也会推开她啦!结果反倒成了Christine侮辱她?就好像华人有句谚语说:“人必自侮,然后人侮之”这样,我觉得这点是Ganush自己的错吧,而且,Ganush自己本身也不是什么善类。一些情节,也可以算是蛮普通的了。就好像Christine到车场,然后看到一条围巾飘过去,然后进而看到Ganush。老实说,在她看到围巾后,用猜的我都可以猜到接下去她会看到谁。就一些情节而言,如果已预先能够被观众猜到,我觉得就没有那么好看了。而另一个部分,最最最奇怪的就是为什么Christine分辨得出她那粒被咒诅的钮扣和她男友送她的钮扣。当Christine把钮扣放进late Ganush的手里后,她认为她得救了。但是,当她男朋友送她类似的钮扣时,为什么她会如此惊吓?她怎么知道她男友送她的那粒钮扣是那粒被咒诅的钮扣?两粒钮扣根本就是一模一样的啊!那她怎么会认为她男朋友送她的那粒钮扣是那粒被咒诅的钮扣,再不然,她怎么会以为她放回的纽扣是被咒诅的那粒?这里的剧情有点奇怪,荒谬。整体来说,我认为这部电影是还好吧!

我会给这部电影三粒星。它的Medal是Medal 4。



Supernatural by Warner Bros


Season One
Season One consists of 22 episodes that aired in the United States beginning September 13, 2005, and ending May 4, 2006. The first sixteen episodes aired on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm, after which the series was rescheduled to Thursdays.

Two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, team up to find their father, John, who went missing on a hunting trip. However, their father isn't a typical hunter: he hunts supernatural creatures like ghosts, vampires, and various demons and he's trained his sons to do the same. Along the way, Sam and Dean save innocent people, fight creatures and ghosts, and collect clues to their father's whereabouts. Sam begins to mysteriously develop psychic abilities and visions as they travel. They eventually find their father, who reveals that the creature that killed Sam and Dean's mother years earlier is a yellow-eyed demon and the only thing that can kill him is a legendary gun created by Samuel Colt.

Season Two
Season Two consists of 22 episodes that aired on Thursdays at 9:00 pm in the United States beginning September 28, 2006, and ending May 17, 2007.

The season follows Sam and Dean as they deal with their father's death and continue to hunt the Yellow-Eyed Demon with assistance from new allies Ellen, Jo, and Ash. Part of the Demon's master plan is eventually revealed as he gathers Sam and others like him, leading to Sam dying. Dean makes a deal with a crossroads demon to bring back Sam in exchange for his soul, which will be collected in one year. In a final confrontation, in which Dean kills the Yellow-Eyed Demon, a Hell's Gate is opened, releasing numerous demons from within.

Season 3
Season Three consists of 16 episodes that aired on Thursdays at 9:00 pm in the United States beginning October 4, 2007, and ending May 15, 2008.Originally 22 episodes were ordered for the third season, but production was halted on December 5, 2007, upon completion of the twelfth episode due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. The season number was shortened to sixteen episodes, with four new episodes airing in April and May 2008.

The season mainly focuses on trying to save Dean from his deal and tracking down the demons that were released from the gate. Along the way, the brothers meet a demon named Ruby, who has an interest in Sam and claims to be able to help save Dean. Also, they meet Bela Talbot, an "acquirer" and seller of occult objects, who is constantly a thorn in their side. The brothers eventually learn what demon holds Dean's contract; a being of great power named Lilith. The brothers, along with Ruby, track her down and attempt to kill her. Lilith is unable to stop Sam due to his mysterious abilities, however, Dean's contract expires and his soul is taken to Hell.

Season 4
Season Four consists of 22 episodes that aired on Thursdays at 9:00 pm in the United States beginning September 18, 2008, and ending May 14, 2009.

Dean is rescued from Hell and brought back by an angel named Castiel; one of several angel who appears throughout the season. The rest of the season follows the brothers as they work with Castiel to stop Lilith's plan of breaking the 66 seals, which would allow Lucifer to walk free once again. Sam and Dean's relationship is also strained as Sam starts siding with Ruby over Dean. He also begins to give into his demonic side by drinking demon blood to become strong enough to defeat Lilith. After tracking down and killing Lilith, Sam learns her death is actually the last seal and Ruby was deceiving him all along. Dean arrives too late to stop him, but kills Ruby as Lucifer's prison opens up beneath them.

Season 5
Season Five consists of 22 episodes and was rumored to be the last season, due to Eric Kripke's statements over the years that he had planned for the show to run for only five seasons.Despite this, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles had contracts for a sixth season,and The CW renewed the series on February 16, 2010.

The fifth season revolves around the fight to stop Lucifer and save the world from the Apocalypse. Throughout the season, Dean and Sam battle both angels and demons as they fight their destiny to become the vessels of Michael and Lucifer. Unable to defeat Lucifer, they collect the rings of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which act as the keys to Lucifer's prison. The idea of destiny versus freedom and choice play a big role. Throughout the season, Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Bobby each have a crisis as they near giving up. However, through each other's support, they continue forward until the end.

Season 6
Creator Eric Kripke originally planned for the show to last only five seasons, but due to increased ratings from the fourth and fifth seasons,the CW network renewed the series for a sixth season.Kripke has confirmed he will not be returning as showrunner; however, he will still remain as a hands-on executive producer, leaving Executive Producer Sera Gamble to take over the reins.

Gamble said the sixth season of the show will focus on the brothers' relationship.The season will steer towards the format of the early seasons with "lots of meat-and-potatoes closed-ended episodes, and...a season-long story arc to weave in".According to a press release by the CW, Heaven and Hell are now in "complete disarray", forcing Sam and Dean to reunite to "beat back the rising tide of creatures and demon-spawn" that "roam across a lawless and chaotic landscape".

Filming for the season began with the Ackles-directed fourth episode, "Weekend at Bobby's", to give the actor enough time for preproduction.Misha Collins will return as series regular Castiel,as will Jim Beaver as Bobby Singer.Mitch Pileggi will make multiple appearances as Sam and Dean's grandfather.The recurring role of Christian, the maternal cousin of Sam and Dean, was given to Corin Nemec;he is described as "capable, calm under pressure, and very good at his job".Kim Rhodes will return as Sheriff Jody Mills,as will Fredric Lehne as Azazel.

The season airs on Friday at 9:00 pm in the United States on the CW and premiered on September 24, 2010.

Recurring Elements
While the locations and storyline change on a near weekly basis, there are a few things that show up regularly.

The 1836 Colt Paterson, Texas—usually referred to as "The Colt"—was made by Samuel Colt for a paranormal hunter. According to legend, anything shot by this gun, using one of its thirteen original bullets, will die, including creatures normally immune to any and all weapons. John Winchester gives it to the demon Azazel in return for Dean's life being spared after an almost-fatal car crash, and at the end of the second season, Azazel uses it as a key to open a gateway to Hell that Samuel Colt had sealed. The last bullet is then used to kill the demon, though it is later repaired to allow the use of more bullets. Towards the end of the third season, Lilith's right-hand demon Crowley acquires the gun and hides it. It is then featured in two time-travel episodes, before Crowley returns it to the Winchesters so that they can kill Lucifer. However, Lucifer later reveals there are five things in creation which the gun cannot kill, and he is one of them.

The gun used in the series is actually a replica Colt ball and cap gun modified to fire metallic cartridges.On the barrel of the gun is inscribed the Latin phrase "non timebo mala", meaning "I will fear no evil".On the handle is a carving of a pentagram, with much of the finish removed to give it an aged appearance.The props department also has a rubber version of the Colt to be used in fight scenes for pistol-whipping.

Throughout the series, Dean drives a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Having been passed down to him by his father, it is Dean's most prized possession, with actor Jensen Ackles feeling it is Dean's "life" and "sanctuary".The brothers travel in it throughout the country as they hunt the supernatural, and the trunk holds various weaponry. In the first two seasons, it has a Kansas license plate with the number KAZ 2Y5, a reference to the Winchesters' home state of Kansas, and the series premiere date of 2005.Towards the end of the second season, the car sports a new Ohio license plate (CNK 80Q3) to aid the brothers in hiding from the FBI.

The origins of the Impala were first depicted in the comic mini-series Supernatural: Origins, in which John Winchester takes ownership of the car from Mary's uncle after accidentally getting him killed during a hunt. However, fans responded negatively to this, as John is shown with the Impala in the teaser for the pilot episode, which is chronologically set before the comic series. Due to this, the comic was altered for the trade paperback version,with the Impala's true origins later being depicted in the series' fourth season. Having been sent back to 1973 by the angel Castiel, Dean convinces his father to purchase the Impala over a 1964 VW Van. The car's origins were further explored during the Season 5 finale, in which a frame story surrounded the plot of the episode tracking the Impala's history from its manufacture, through several previous owners, up until the present day.

All of the cars used in the show are stock 1967 Chevrolet Impalas four-door hardtops. They feature Chevrolet small-block engines, recolored interiors, custom seats, and nonfunctioning radios. Other than the one used in the original, all of the Impalas had to be painted black for the series. One of the Impalas used features a detachable roof and doors for up-close shots, and is capable of being separated in half.

Ruby's knife
Ruby possessed a mysterious and presumably magical demon-killing knife, which Kripke refers to as "a hand-to-hand version of the Colt".Its handle is made of elk antlers, and the knife has engravings on both sides of the blade, although the symbols are all balderdash.It has been seen and used many times following its introduction in the third season. Upon being stabbed in a vital area, the demon suffers immediate death, usually taking the human host with it. It is unknown if it is effective against other supernatural beings, although it is useless against angels. Furthermore, the demon Alastair is resistant to the knife's power. How the knife functions has yet to be revealed, and creator Eric Kripke doubts it ever will be, stating, "I like to leave some things mysterious. And that’s likely to remain mysterious"

66 seals
Holding Lucifer at bay are over 600 mystical seals, only 66 of which have to be broken for him to be released. The first seal needed to be broken is a "righteous man" spilling blood in Hell. The demon Lilith ensures Dean Winchester gets sent there at the end of the third season. While in Hell, Dean's decision to torture souls to free himself from his own torment breaks the first seal. This allows Lilith to begin breaking the remaining seals, prompting the angel Castiel to resurrect Dean from Hell to stop her in Season Four. The remaining seals are broken over the course of the season, with the final seal being broken by Sam when he succeeds in destroying Lilith in the finale "Lucifer Rising".

Trouble with the law
Because Dean and Sam do not get paid for their hunting, the brothers earn their living and pay for their hunting equipment through credit card fraud, poker winnings, and pool hustling. Furthermore, their investigations often put them on the wrong side of the law, as they have desecrated graves, impersonated various officials, and committed breaking and entering.

Framed for murder and bank robbery by shapeshifters, Dean has become a highly wanted man, and the brothers are occasionally pursued by various law enforcement officers, most notably FBI Agent Victor Henricksen. Because of their wanted status, the brothers often use aliases, usually derived from hard rock musicians, film references, or, in a meta-reference, the book Fletch and movie based on the book where the title character does the same thing. However, in the third season episode "Jus in Bello", Sam and Dean are presumed dead in the explosion of the Monument, Colorado, Sheriff's office and jail, ending the FBI's pursuit of them.
(Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernatural_(TV_series) )

Blues 的评语:
这部戏每一级的故事都相当精彩。它那带着点点的悬疑味道,将会慢慢地引人入戏。而两位男主角-Sam和Dean(Jared Padalecki和Jensen Ackles饰),我认为他们演得不错,尤其是Jared饰演身为Dean的小弟-Sam时的风范,还有那顾及哥哥的眼神和有时候有些无奈的神韵,让我都好想有他为我的兄长。我认为Jared是做到了身为弟弟的这个角色应有的风范这一点,演得相当不错。戏的情节颇为简练,这点我喜欢。只是,它的恐怖指数不怎么高就是了,而且有些恐怖的部分竟然让我想笑。虽然这部戏没有我以为的“会很恐怖、精彩、刺激”,不过,整体来说,我认为这部戏是蛮不错的。因为是series的关系,我没法一一去做评论,所以这一次我给予这部戏的评论大致上就显示着样子了。

我将会给这部戏三粒半的星级。它的Medal是Medal 4。